Summary: Learning about WP-CLI and its different commands, Creating Custom WP-CLI commands.
WP-CLI’s goal is to offer a complete alternative to the WordPress admin for any action we might want to perform in the WordPress admin there should be an equivalent WP-CLI command. A command is an atomic unit of WP-CLI functionality. wp plugin install
is one such command as is wp plugin activate
. Commands are useful to WordPress users because they can offer simple precise interfaces for performing complex tasks.
WP-CLI Commands Cheatsheet
Core Commands
- wp core download: Downloads the latest version of WordPress core.
- wp core config: Generates the
file with specified database credentials. - wp core install: Installs WordPress with a given site URL, title, admin user, etc.
- wp core update: Updates the WordPress core to the latest version.
Database Commands
- wp db create: Creates a new database.
- wp db drop: Drops the database.
- wp db export: Exports the database to an SQL file.
- wp db import: Imports an SQL file into the database.
- wp db optimize: Optimizes the database tables.
- wp db repair: Repairs the database tables.
Plugin Commands
- wp plugin install : Installs a plugin by slug.
- wp plugin activate : Activates a plugin.
- wp plugin deactivate : Deactivates a plugin.
- wp plugin update : Updates a plugin to its latest version.
- wp plugin delete : Deletes a plugin.
Theme Commands
- wp theme install : Installs a theme by slug.
- wp theme activate : Activates a theme.
- wp theme update : Updates a theme to its latest version.
- wp theme delete : Deletes a theme.
User Commands
- wp user create –role=: Creates a new user with the specified role.
- wp user list: Lists all users on the site.
- wp user delete : Deletes a user by ID.
- wp user update –=: Updates user fields (e.g., email, role).
Post Commands
- wp post create: Creates a new post.
- wp post delete : Deletes a post by ID.
- wp post update –=: Updates post fields (e.g., title, content).
- wp post list: Lists posts based on various parameters (e.g., post type, status).
Option Commands
- wp option get : Retrieves a specific option.
- wp option update : Updates the value of a specific option.
- wp option delete : Deletes a specific option.
Media Commands
- wp media import : Imports a media file into the media library.
- wp media regenerate: Regenerates thumbnails for image attachments.
Rewrite Commands
- wp rewrite list: Lists all rewrite rules.
- wp rewrite flush: Flushes the rewrite rules.
Custom WP-CLI Commands
Creating custom WP-CLI commands allows us to extend the functionality of WP-CLI to meet the specific needs of our WordPress site.
- Create a plugin or add the command to our theme’s
. - Use the
function to register our custom command.
if (defined('WP_CLI') && WP_CLI) {
WP_CLI::add_command('list_posts', 'List_Posts_Command');
class List_Posts_Command {
public function __invoke($args, $assoc_args) {
$post_type = $assoc_args['post_type'] ?? 'post';
$posts = get_posts(['post_type' => $post_type]);
if (empty($posts)) {
WP_CLI::success("No posts found.");
foreach ($posts as $post) {
WP_CLI::log("{$post->ID}: {$post->post_title}");
- Usage:
wp list_posts --post_type=page
Displaying Output
- Use
to display standard output. - Use
to indicate successful execution. - Use
to terminate the command and display an error message.
Custom WP-CLI Command Documentation
We can use doc comments to document our custom commands. WP-CLI automatically uses these comments for the wp help
* List all posts of a specific post type.
* [--post_type=<post_type>]
* : The post type to list.
* wp list_posts --post_type=page
* @when after_wp_load
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