First Day At rtCamp (Second Time)

On the first day, we had a few sessions where we learned about the culture and history of rtCamp, interacted with different teams, and were guided to set up accounts for various services.

We needed to set up our accounts for services like Slack, Zoom, and the internal ERP system. The support team walked us through the setup and helped us resolve any queries. Thanks to the support team, it was a smooth setup experience.

Then we had to watch the systems overview recored session, which introduced us to the tools needed for the training, such as EasyEngine, iTerm2, and zsh and important commands like rsync. We learned the basics of how to work on and access remote servers. This session was packed with a lot of important technical information.

We also had a welcome meeting with the sales team, which helped us understand the culture and history of rtCamp. This session also helped us understand the tagline “Good Work, Good People” and how they implement and follow it.

Also I had sync up with my rtBuddy, she helped to resolve my queries and give me insight to how the career progression works at rtCamp.

At last we had the sync up with the Learning and Development team in which we introduced ourself to our future colleagues.

For me, it was an exciting experience to interact with such great teams on my first day. I am really looking forward to working and collaborating with them.


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