🔭 A passionate Self-taught Full Stack Web developer
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Summary: MySQL is really big there are a lot of topics which can be missed following are some of things tha can be missed. MySQL – Derived Table Derived tables,…
Summary: Understanding some topics which can be missed while learning PHP. Switch case If we want to compare multiple cases for each code block then we can add that case…
Create a simple PHP application that accepts a visitor’s email address and emails them a GitHub timeline update every five minutes. Approach to build this application Project Workflow Overview User…
Summary: Learning about Rsync and SSH, Tmux basics How to check CPU/Memory/Disk Space on a server Rsync and SSH basics Rsync is a very flexible network-enabled syncing tool. Due to…
Summary: In this blog we will be understanding DNS, HTTP/HTTPS protocols, Understanding how the web works?, Exploring browser and rendering engines, Learning about web servers and working of emails. Domain…
Summary: Setting up all the required tools and packages for PHP and WordPress development, and important git commands to know. Setting up Local Development Environment To be able to develop…
Summary: Understanding Operation System Basic, exploring CLI, learning about the Inter-Process communication, Process Management and Threads and concurrency. Operating System Basics In simple term Operation System is the layer which…