Hi , I’m Aditya Dhade (b1ink0)

🔭 A passionate Self-taught Full Stack Web developer

💬 Ask me about React.js, Next.js, Node.js, MongoDB, Firebase, PHP, MySql, and WordPress

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  • WordPress REST API vs Admin AJAX

    Summary: Comparing WordPress REST API and Admin AJAX perfomance. When deciding between using WordPress’s AJAX (admin-ajax.php) and the REST API for asynchronous requests, several factors come into play, including performance,…


  • Extending WordPress REST API and WP-CLI

    Summary: Learning about the Extending WordPress REST API using custom controller, WP-CLI packages and WP-CLI scaffold commands. Extending WordPress REST API WordPress provides a powerful REST API that allows us…


  • WP-CLI Commands and Custom Commands

    Summary: Learning about WP-CLI and its different commands, Creating Custom WP-CLI commands. WP-CLI WP-CLI’s goal is to offer a complete alternative to the WordPress admin for any action we might…


  • WordPress REST API

    Summary: Learning about REST API its different methods, WordPress REST API and its key concepts. REST API REpresentational State Transfer (REST) is an architectural style that defines a set of constraints to…


  • Debug and Hooks Cheat Sheet

    Summary: Understanding debugging and where to use it in WordPress, Cheat Sheet on WordPress Hooks. Debugging WordPress Using Xdebug Debugging is an essential part of the development process and Xdebug…


  • PHP Doc Comments Adding Styles To Meta Box and Shortcode

    Summary: Learning about PHP Doc comments, Adding Styles to Meta Box and Shortcode. PHP Doc comments Doc comments in PHP also known as PHPDoc are a way to document our…


  • Shortcode API Administration Menus Settings & Options API

    Summary: Learning about Shortcode API, Administration Menus, Settings and Options API. Shortcode API The Shortcode API in WordPress allows us to create macros to be used in posts, pages, and…


  • Custom Post Types and Taxonomies

    Summary: Learning about Custom Post Types, Taxonomies, Custom Taxonomies, Utility or Shadow Taxonomies. Custom Post Types WordPress comes with five default post types: post, page, attachment, revision, and menu. While developing your plugin, we may…


  • README.md and WordPress Hooks

    Summary: Understand the provided README.md files and WordPress Hooks Actions and Filters. DEVELOPMENT.md Post Types Order Plugin This plugin is included in source code and will be useful for basic…
