🔭 A passionate Self-taught Full Stack Web developer
💬 Ask me about React.js, Next.js, Node.js, MongoDB, Firebase, PHP, MySql, and WordPress
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Summary: Learning about WordPress Functionality and different Templates available. Functionality Widgets A widget adds content and features to a widget area. Widget areas provide a way for users to customize…
Summary: Learning about the different theme functionality in WordPress such as Custom Header, Sidebars, Navigation Menus, Pagination and Featured Images. Custom Header Custom headers allow site owners to upload their own…
Summary: Learning about the two most important files in the WordPress theme which are functions.php and style.css. functions.php The functions.php file behaves like a WordPress plugin, adding features and functionality to a…
Summary: Learning about the WordPress Rewrite Rules API, Roles and Capabilities of users and WP Cron to schedule events. Rewrite API The WordPress Rewrite API allows us to create custom…
Summary: Revising WordPress Core APIs like HTTP API, Transient API, Dashboard Widget API. HTTP API HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol and is the foundational communication protocol for the entire…
Summary: Learning about How WordPress Authentication works, How are Cookies and Sessions are used for the WordPress Authentication. Basic Concepts WordPress Authentication Cookies Exploration of WordPress’s Session Management Why WordPress…
Summary: Learning about the WordPress Optimization and what can affect or improve out WordPress sites Performance. Performance factors Several factors can affect the performance of our WordPress website. Those factors…
Summary: Learning about the WordPress Drop-ins. WordPress drop-in plugins are a hidden feature of WordPress used to replace, add, or enhance a limited set of advanced core WordPress features. They…
Summary: Learning about the Object Caching in WordPress and its different functions. The WordPress Object Cache is used to save on trips to the database. The Object Cache stores all…